Acquisition consultants who advise in strategic acquisition search
For more than a decade, we’ve worked as acquisition consultants with several MedTech companies looking at strategic acquisitions as a means to expand their businesses. Our buyer clients look to grow through M&As for a variety of reasons, including:
to expand their current product offerings, either further in their niche market or to pick up additional niches;
to establish a global presence;
to increase their manufacturing capabilities;
and to diversify their businesses.
Whatever unique need or desire a client has for growing through M&A, we advise MedTech buyers through every step of the merger and acquisition process.
Our process
Before we can begin helping a buyer find a company to acquire, we meet one-on-one to understand the driving factor behind the company's growth. It may be one of the above-mentioned reasons that MedTech firms acquire other businesses or something else entirely.
Every client we work with for a strategic acquisition search has its own growth goal. Our job as advisors is to understand exactly what our clients want in an M&A and identify what a successful acquisition looks like for them.IDENTIFYING POTENTIAL FIRMS FOR A COMPANY ACQUISITION
Before we begin narrowing down a list of companies to contact, we do a wide breadth of research to identify companies that are in a desired MedTech sector that may be open to an acquisition. The length of this initial list will be highly dependent on the goals and strategies set forth when we initially meet.CREATING A SHORTLIST OF PROSPECTS FOR A COMPANY MERGER
After performing research on desired MedTech sectors, we review potential firms with our clients in detail and begin creating a shortlist, of prospects whom we will contact later.CONTACTING PROSPECTS FOR STRATEGIC M&A
Once our buyers have decided which firms to approach, we begin making contact with their C-suites to start discussions.NEGOTIATING AND CLOSING
When all parties have reached a mutually beneficial arrangement, we work with our clients and the companies they’re acquiring to negotiate all business terms and close the deal.
Contact us to learn more about how we help MedTech firms grow through M&A:
Reasons why MedTech companies initiate a strategic acquisition search:
Increase manufacturing capabilities
Increase MedTech market share
Diversify MedTech product offerings
Follow existing customer base to expand their products to them
Perform a defensive acquisition to protect their market share
Acquire world-class MedTech talent
Combine operations to cut costs