Get in touch with us.
Move your merger or acquisition forward. We’re ready to work with MedTech buyers and sellers on strategic acquisitions and financial investments, with both US and international deals.
Reach out to us using the contact information below.
In North America
203 N. LaSalle Street
Suite 2100
Chicago, IL 60601
Laurence Barr
✉ lbarr@middlebranchpartners.com
☎ +1-312-761-4800 x101
▭ +1-847-226-2183
Charles Weikel
✉ cweikel@middlebranchpartners.com
☎ +1-312-761-4800 x103
▭ +1-410-919-8147
In Europe
Medicon Village
Scheeletorget 1, 223 63
Lund, Sweden
Göran Brorsson
✉ gbrorsson@middlebranchpartners.com
☎ +1-312-761-4800 x102
▭ +46-705-11-78-60